On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Gergely Madarasz wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > Tim, from my experiences with (much smaller scale but still essentially
> > the same) mass-duplication of debian, all you need to do is duplicate the
> > hard disk and change half a dozen (or less) files under /etc: 
> > 
> >     /etc/hostname
> >     /etc/init.d/network
> >     /etc/hosts
> no need for changing these files, bootp can handle them (there is an
> example rc.bootp which can be put in /etc/init.d/network)

that is true. however, i would be inclined to do it using dd to dupe
the disks and a sh/ed/sed/perl script to modify the config files purely
because bootp introduces a single point of failure to the network - if
the bootp server dies then the other machines can't boot until it's

The script method is also a lot simpler and more flexible - you can
auto-configure anything you like with a suitable "smart" script. bootp
only allows you to change the network details.

either way will work, and it is possible to have redundancy in the bootp
setup (just build another bootp or dhcp server and configure the two to
work together without conflicting).


craig sanders

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