Marcelo E. Magallón wrote: > > PPS: Since neither RH nor Debian actually have anything built-in for this > task, Debian is still a better choice: several times ppl in the > developer's list have expressed interest in further developing Deity into > this direction. I know this doesn't buy you anything right now, but it may > be worth mentioning. >
Plans have existed from the beginning to allow deity to work at administering several machine concurently. However, for complexity reasons, that part of the design was left on hold until a later revision of Deity. We are working towards a 1.0 version of deity. I wouldn't expect multi-machine capability until 3.0 or so. Behan -- Behan Webster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +1-613-224-7547 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .