This is what actually happened: 00:42 -!- macon [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #debian
01:24 macon> I have been using debian for about 4 years now, and I always found that people on this channel is kindda "rude" if one doesn't "it right away", tonight I was doing some work with Fedora Core 3 and I used there fedora channel and the linux channel and people was so friendly and helpful. I just want to say to all people here that it is important to stay patient and helpfull. Specially because Debian sometimes needs a bit more work to work :-) 01:25 macon> No need to freak out just because someone didn't find the info on the man page. 01:27 macon> less work to work, yeah well thats a matter of opinion ;) I love debian and use it a lot. But I just spend 2 days getting PPPoE up and I finally found that for some reason the stable version of pppoeconf didn't work right, so I used the unstable and no problems, tonight on fedora it took about 30 secs. 01:29 macon> I think that some peope think they are "specielly wise" just because they are using debian, and thus forgets to be friendly. 01:30 greycat> macon: I think some people are "specially annoying" just because they think they're friendlier than the rest of us. 01:31 macon> greycat: Ahh, so you are one of them :-) I figured you'd show up quick ;-) 01:32 directhex> macon, misery loves company. there are hundrefds of really friendly fedora users just dying to tell you thay they had a problem JUST LIKE the one you had, but they never found a solution. tried looking on the forum? nothing but simple questions from fedora and mandrake users, who are really unhelpful but certainly friendly 01:36 macon> I don't agree. The general spirit on fedora and Linux is much more friendly.. 01:36 macon> anyone being here daily.. 01:36 greycat> macon: then go there. 01:37 macon> Isn't people rude right away when people don't get an answer? 01:37 macon> I am getting a lot of pm from people who agree, and I think we should do something to change the atmosphere on this channel a bit! 01:38 MobyTurbo> macon: then start your own channel. 01:38 greycat> macon: then start #debian-friendly or something. 01:38 PerfDave> macon: Well, I'm getting a lot of pm from people who think you're a tit ;) 01:38 macon> No, thats not the solution.. the solution is to get the admin of this channel - since it is thew biggest to kick people who are rude off! 01:39 greycat> macon: please shut up. 01:39 petemc> macon: check the channel owner 01:39 PerfDave> macon: But the people who are less than entirely friendly are also the people who are most helpful and knowlegeable. Which is why they get to be so snarky, when confronted with comparative idiots all day and getting no reward for volunteering their services. 01:40 macon> PerfDave: Those very people are the ones who are stuckup with the nose high in the air completely not understanding the true spirit of debian!! 01:41 PerfDave> macon: and what is the "true spirit of Debian"? In which document of the Debian Project is it written? 01:41 macon> And they are also the ones contaminating debian community 01:41 greycat> macon: and what, o mighty knower of all that is right, is the "true spirit" of debian? 01:41 macon> Well you would know that if you didn't spend most of the time here being stuckup yourselfs.. check out the debian website. 01:42 -!- macon was kicked from #debian by caphuso [caphuso] 01:42 -!- mode/#debian [+b [EMAIL PROTECTED] by caphuso -- Stephen Rüger [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]