On Monday 20 December 2004 10:20 am, Peter Nuttall wrote:

> > 01:39 PerfDave> macon: But the people who are less than entirely
> >                 friendly are also the people who are most helpful 
> >                 knowlegeable. Which is why they get to be so snarky,
> >                 when confronted with comparative idiots all day and
> >                 getting no reward for volunteering their services.
> he has a point

No kidding.  To put it in perspective for the non-career geeks:  Many 
folks involved in supporting Debian, myself included, do so 
professionally as well.  We do it all day.  So when we have a free 
moment, and we want to help people on our own time, we're going to help 
people who are trying to find the answer, not expecting us to hand it 
to them.  After all, we get paid to go through *all* the trouble of 
handholding *customers* at work.  On this list and on IRC, nobody 
writing in is a customer, so there isn't a need for customer service.

Paul Johnson

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