I don't think that #debian is a place for newbies to turn to when they need help. When newbis ask for help they face a very urgent problem and are usually overwhelmed by it. For their questions to be answered in #debian they must follow a certain protocol which is strictly enforced with all means possible (+q or +b).
This protocol is to make the life of those (who claim to be most) "helpful" easier so they don't have to answer the same questions over and over again, day after day. However, it is my opinion this protocol (and its strict enforcement) violates one (maybe even more) rules of the freenode channel guidelines, which can be found here http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml I am most concerned about the paragraph "Don't be elitist." there. I have to point out, I do not doubt the willingness of the #debian guys to help. What I am doubting is the way newbies are helped these days. Being a mere user and not even a #debian regular anymore I am uncertain if I can do this (*1) but I move that a new #debian channel policy is found, one that more closely follows the freenode channel guidelines. Now for the time bein I would like the #debian channel owners to point those they ban to #debian-friendly, which is where I will happily try to assist them. #debian's door might be barred but that shouldnt mean "they may not find what they seek". Maybe over time the #debian channel policy is changed and we don't need a newbie only channel anymore, rather we can have a #debian-advanced channel or so for those that do not face the usual newbie's problem. Since I am sure I stepped on many people's feet with this, rest assured I did not mean to insult you or talk little of your efforts to help others. I know it's difficult, I know some newbies are very stubborn, but I also know they usually appreciate the help being given. Debian is great, let us make the community as great to attract yet more newbies who gladly will "spread the fire" (*1) I know I could participate more in the debian community and one day become a decision maker. But why would I have to do it myself if I can try to persuade others first... -- Lasse Pommerenke -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]