On Monday 20 December 2004 11:32 am, you wrote:

> Ok, so where did I say that?? I NEVER talked about switching IP's. So 
> this is the time when I am right to start adressing you as a FOOL!? 
> Because you made a mistake? According to you and a couple of other 
> geeks it is! 
> [...]
> If both supporting people with debian at work and later on after work 
> makes you so stressed that you must treat people bad, you should 
> change work!

1) I haven't treated you in any way I would not expect myself to be 
treated if I were out of line.  
2) Your outburst is uncalled for.  People on this list and on IRC 
participate because they *love* this job, but don't like handholding 
people through every last bit.  Do your homework, this is in the 
archives of many mailing lists, not just debian related ones.  You 
committed many faux pas common to trolls and people who somehow have 
this misguided notion that people will hand-hold everybody for nothing.

> >>My quess is that you are one of those persons whom I am adressing.
> > 
> > 
> > No.  I'm baloo on IRC just as I am here, I was not on #debian last 
> > night.
> >  
> Yeah right! But even if you wasn't you make a good demonstration.

Go check last night's IRC logs if you don't believe me.  I haven't been 
on #debian in a couple weeks now.

> I couldn't care less about your support! I wasn't asking about support 
> yesterday! I was adressing the spirit on the channel!

Which I don't see as being much different from any other channel on 
freenode.  People in any channel *will* get annoyed when you start 
pushing the hot buttons no matter what channel you go into, and whether 
or not you chose to ignore such issues.

> Nobody has apointed you as head of support. If you chose to give 
> people help on freenode you must do so in accordance with the freenode 
> rules and spirit. They clearly state to treat people nice and not to 
> become personal - but I guess you have read those rules!?   

You're the only one making it personal.  You're expecting a level of 
service that you're just not going to get out of mailing lists or 
freenode in general.

Speaking of making it personal, this is *NOT* a personal discussion, and 
does *NOT* belong in personal email.  Reply to the list or don't reply.  
That's in this mailing list's rules on lists.debian.org.

> Someone would say: well if you followed the rules why did you get 
> banned? I got banned because one of the clique was the admin that 
> night.  
> The issue is going to be adressed.

It was addressed:  You were being an obnoxious jerk to the channel 
regulars in a fashion warned against in the #debian FAQ.  You chose to 
ignore such warning.  Nobody on Freenode (or any other network, for 
that matter) tolerates ignorance of the appropriate channel FAQ.  If 
you want to play curmudgeon, do your homework.  

Frankly, that's what this whole thread is about.  You don't want to do 
your homework for anything and are angry that nobody else will do it 
for you.  This isn't about cliques or personal issues or anything like 
that; if it had been anybody else, making the same mistakes, they would 
have gotten the same reception.

<snip a long string of personal insults>

That being said: Why is this so hard to grasp?  Until you can comply 
with this list's rules on conduct, this conversation is over.

Paul Johnson

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