On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 01:45:50PM +0100, lance wrote:
> All I am asking for is enough time to make a reasonable effort at making
> and shipping the version before the next version is released. If you want
> to have interim releases with minor fixes - why not call them 2.2r3.1 etc
> and produce an update iso rather than a complete new set of CD's ??

Lance, I am most surprised that you would say this.

We used to call the minor releases 1.2.1, 1.2.2 etc. The CD vendors
complained about the updates (as you are doing), so we changed the
naming scheme to 2.0r2, 2.0r3 etc so as to make the changes look
less minimal. Now you're asking that we change again?

Do you advertise your CD set as "2.2r2", or just "2.2"? I think
the latter would be accurate enough, and should help to avoid
complaints from your customers that your CDs are too old.


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