On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Martin Schulze wrote: > lance wrote: > > On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Martin Schulze wrote: > > > > > Considering how stable releaes were handled recently or better how > > > they weren't handled properly with regards to our duty to our users, > > > my plan is to release a new point release of stable about every one to > > > two monthts. I'll continue to prepare releases and help our > > > ftp-masters with this. > > > > > > Having said that, I'm already preparing 2.2r4 so it could be released > > > around mid of May: http://people.debian.org/~joey/2.2r4/ > > > > As a CD vendor - please try to keep a minimum time between point releases > > - say 3 months ?? > > No. Three months is too much. Please burn & sell the current point > release. People who take care of security have to update anyway. They > can get their updates from the net. If they don't care, the n-1, n-2 > point release is fine for them.
I think you have missed my point - we dont burn gold disks - we press 6 CD sets of Debian. It takes 2 weeks to get the disks pressed. If we only have 2 weeks to sell them it will not be viable. People who order cd's want the latest release - 2.2r2 6 CD sets are virtually worthless once 2.2r3 has been released, and if we sent them to people with a note saying that they can upgrade from the net then we would get them back very quickly indeed !! I am sure that you want new users to have the latest version, especially when it contains security updates etc. The other alternative would be to produce an update cd that contained the updates from 2.2r2 to 2.2r3 - especially if the update cd could be the cd to install from :) All I am asking for is enough time to make a reasonable effort at making and shipping the version before the next version is released. If you want to have interim releases with minor fixes - why not call them 2.2r3.1 etc and produce an update iso rather than a complete new set of CD's ?? Regards Lance