On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Raphael Hertzog wrote: > Le Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 09:16:11AM +0200, Martin Schulze écrivait: > > > Also - is there any chance that .iso images or pseudo image > > > configurations could be ready _before_ the release is announced - eg > > > tonight cdimage.debian.org still has no idea about 2.2r3 - shouldnt .isos > > > be part of the release and the release be conditional upon them being done > > > ?? > > > > Please get in touch with the debian-cd list, they should know about > > cdimage.d.o > > No, no, the problem is with you. You install packages in the archive and 4 > hours later you make the announcement. You need to let one day so that > files propagate to mirrors, send a mail to debian-cd@lists.debian.org > asking us to generate the new ISO with the newly installed files and let > another day so that ISO images have a chance to propagate too. And only > then you should do the announcement. > > That said, people who usually create the debian-cd images ? What are you > doing with 2.2r3 ? Please take care to NOT use the CVS version of > debian-cd to generate the images (since I've introduced the new stuff for > signed Release file and so on and it's not yet ready for prime time) but > rather the last package (or even older ... but not too much). Or you may > use the latest debian-cd if you take care to remove manually the rules > *-secured in the Makefile.
Sorry for having been this silent. In the past few days I've spent many hours on getting debian-cd ready for 2.2 rev3 (issues you mentioned, updated/ redesigned README (matching www.d.o but actually better code) and the long-promised "make-a-useful-CD1" project which involved lots of test runs and a new unexclude feature). I'm mostly finished now, a few things still need some tweaking, then I'll leave it to Phil to generate the new .iso's. The unexclude will be used to move any number of kernel sources to CDx, x>=2; the source of only 2.2.19 will be on CD1. However because we currently have 10 (!!) kernel sources in potato, it looks like we're going to have a 4th CD with only 15MB on it. So, unless anyone objects, I think we'd better NOT have the sources of 2.2.10 and possibly 2.2.12 on any CD (which still leaves us 2.2.13, 2.2.15, 2.2.17, 2.2.18pre21, 2.2.18, 2.2.19pre17 and 2.2.19 -- and 2.0.36, 2.0.38 of course). Regards, Anne Bezemer (who still needs to process lots of mails to these and other lists :( )