On 2/25/25, 1:07 PM, "Lennart Sorensen" <lsore...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca 
<mailto:lsore...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca>> wrote:
>Well someone would have to build and maintain it. It seems hard enough to
>even get that for powerpc and ppc64, never mind a really niche platform.

It would essentially be the same as the powerpc port, except that everything is 
compiled with the smp gcc patches. Everything built with the smp-patched GCC 
should also run fine on a non-Wii U PPC32 devices, so any test suites wouldn't 
have to change.

>I wonder if there would be a way to scan the existing binaries looking
>for the instruction to see if some packages might be able to be used
>without rebuilding. Might not be very many though given probably any
>code with threads in it would be affected.

It's possible that some applications could work, but I doubt the effort of 
searching would be worth it.

>I must admit today was the first time I had even heard of linux running
>on the Wii U. I knew it had a powerpc chip in it, but I figured nintendo
>likes to lock down their hardware.

Linux was initially ported to the Wii U back in 2018. Nintendo does like to 
lock down their hardware, but that hasn't stopped people from hacking it. It 
just so happens that it's really simple to hack the Wii U to boot Linux on it. 
If you've got $30-40 and twenty minutes of free time, I recommend getting one 
and trying it out at some point :D

-- Kurt

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