Hello Kurt,

On Tue, 2025-02-25 at 02:49 +0000, Kurt Stine wrote:
> What would it take to have a debian build for the Espresso (Nintendo Wii U) 
> CPU?
> Currently, due to overall Espresso weirdness, both GCC and glibc need to be 
> patched
> for any applications to take advantage of all three cores. This means very 
> application
> and library needs to be patched to be able to support smp on the Wii U. 
> Debian powerpc
> will currently run on the Wii U, but due to the lack of patches, you are 
> stuck with only
> a single core, and performance is extremely hampered by that. Adelie Linux 
> currently
> has support for the Wii U, but it would be great to have a debian build.

I think it would be more reasonable to work on the kernel and glibc such that 
all packages with a patched compiler should not be necessary. Given the very 
low user
base, I don't think it would be justified to bootstrap a completely new Debian 
for the Wii U.

> The Wii U has three cores and 2GB of RAM, so it's relatively powerful machine 
> for the
> price (you can find them for around $25 online). I'm also able to provide 
> access to
> multiple if needed.

The hardware isn't really the issue but the amount of work needed to maintain 
such a
port. Such an endeavor would only be justified if the number of users is high 

> The smp patches are available here: https://gitlab.com/linux-wiiu/smp-patches

Wouldn't it be possible to upstream these? And do we really need to rebuild all 
to make use of all cores of the Wii U CPU?

> Currently, there is not a patch for LLVM, so any applications that are built 
> with clang
> will not run on an smp-patched build.
> Any input is appreciated!

If there is really no way other than rebuilding all packages, I would suggest 
using a
source-based distribution such as Gentoo.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   Physicist
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