Hello all, What would it take to have a debian build for the Espresso (Nintendo Wii U) CPU?
Currently, due to overall Espresso weirdness, both GCC and glibc need to be patched for any applications to take advantage of all three cores. This means every application and library needs to be patched to be able to support smp on the Wii U. Debian powerpc will currently run on the Wii U, but due to the lack of patches, you are stuck with only a single core, and performance is extremely hampered by that. Adelie Linux currently has support for the Wii U, but it would be great to have a debian build. The Wii U has three cores and 2GB of RAM, so it's relatively powerful machine for the price (you can find them for around $25 online). I'm also able to provide access to multiple if needed. The smp patches are available here: https://gitlab.com/linux-wiiu/smp-patches Currently, there is not a patch for LLVM, so any applications that are built with clang will not run on an smp-patched build. Any input is appreciated! Regards, Kurt