El sáb, 06-03-2004 a las 10:14, Kiko Piris escribió:
> On 06/03/2004 at 10:10, Kiko Piris wrote:
> > On 06/03/2004 at 00:35, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm just using your packages now instead of my own compiled kernel with
> > > an iMac TFT 15" and it seems to be working with only one problem, you
> > > have compiled the lpt port and the imac does not have such port, the
> > > problem is that sometims it hangs the machine when discover or cups
> > > tries to load the parport_pc module :-(
> > 
> > As a workaround, you can add
> > 
> > alias modulename es1371
>                    ^^^^^^
> Oops!, I meant:
> alias modulename off
> (forgot to change after pasting...)

Thank you for the suggestion. Also I found a way to boot without the
hang (and I don't understand why it works).

If I boot in single mode "discover" is executed and the module is loaded
but the machine does not hangs, then I change to the normal runlevel and
that's it, I can use the machine without problems :-?

> > 
> > to /etc/modutils/whatever
> > 
> > to prevent loading of `modulename' by modprobe.
> -- 
> Kiko


Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
Valencia - Spain

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