El sáb, 06-03-2004 a las 09:54, Sven Luther escribió:
> On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 12:35:33AM +0100, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> > El mié, 03-03-2004 a las 09:20, Sven Luther escribió:
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > 
> > Hi
> > 
> > > I have just uploaded the 2.5.25-1 kernel, and as it is NEW, made it
> > > available at : 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   http://people.debian.org/~luther/powerpc/2.4.25-1
> > 
> > As a comment, I prefer a heavy modular kernel (like the x86 .deb ones)
> > but I'm not able to compile such kernel so I know it's not as easy to do
> > like x86 kernels.
> Please have a look at the powerpc-small kernel. It is primarily geared
> at the oldworld pmacs and its floppy based miboot booting, but there is
> no reason it could not be used more generally.
> In fact, it was ever the intentions to move to this kernel once it has
> been more widely tested, so please go ahead, and please provide feedback
> on it. 
> The main problem is that i don't yet have discovered the trick to build
> the initrd which contain the modules, since if you are going to move the
> ide & scsi & network modules to an initrd, you also need it for booting.

Yes, my problem is with initrd and thus I cannot test that kernel if the
I cannot load the initrd image :-( I will look at this in my spare time,
we should get it working...

> > I'm just using your packages now instead of my own compiled kernel with
> > an iMac TFT 15" and it seems to be working with only one problem, you
> > have compiled the lpt port and the imac does not have such port, the
> > problem is that sometims it hangs the machine when discover or cups
> > tries to load the parport_pc module :-(
> Mmm, this would be a bug in the discover or cups packages, don't you
> think ? Or maybe we could add a check in the partport modules to fail to
> load on pmacs, which are known not to have such hardware ? 

Perhaps it's a bug with discover or cups because they try to load a
driver for a hardware I don't have but I don't think such driver should
hang the computer, that's also a kernel bug. I don't understand either
why the parport_pc is needed with powerpc kernels if they are not pc

> The -powerpc kernels support a wide range of hardware, including some
> (as mine), that does have parport support.

Yes, I know, that's why I prefer a heavy modular kernel, but Do you need
the pc specific driver? The CONFIG_PARPORT_PC help says that it's needed
for "All IBM PC compatible computers and some Alphas have PC-style
parallel ports." Is it the same for your computer?

> Please fill a bug report, so this doesn't get lost.


> > I had the same problem with my tibook G4 550MHz with other kernels
> > compiled by hand.
> Yeah, i guess the bug is in discover then, not sure though.

As I said, I see that discover have a bug trying to load a module I
don't know but also I'm asking about the need of that module in powerpc
kernels. If you need it to get working your parport then I will fill a
bug report against kernel 2.4 (and perhaps 2.6) because hangs a machine
loading that module, if you don't need it I will do the same but asking
to disable that option from the menu when compiling a powerpc kernel.


> Friendly,
> Sven Luther
Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
Valencia - Spain

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