On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 12:35:33AM +0100, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> El mié, 03-03-2004 a las 09:20, Sven Luther escribió:
> > Hello,
> > 
> Hi
> > I have just uploaded the 2.5.25-1 kernel, and as it is NEW, made it
> > available at : 
> > 
> > 
> >   http://people.debian.org/~luther/powerpc/2.4.25-1
> As a comment, I prefer a heavy modular kernel (like the x86 .deb ones)
> but I'm not able to compile such kernel so I know it's not as easy to do
> like x86 kernels.

Please have a look at the powerpc-small kernel. It is primarily geared
at the oldworld pmacs and its floppy based miboot booting, but there is
no reason it could not be used more generally.

In fact, it was ever the intentions to move to this kernel once it has
been more widely tested, so please go ahead, and please provide feedback
on it. 

The main problem is that i don't yet have discovered the trick to build
the initrd which contain the modules, since if you are going to move the
ide & scsi & network modules to an initrd, you also need it for booting.

> I'm just using your packages now instead of my own compiled kernel with
> an iMac TFT 15" and it seems to be working with only one problem, you
> have compiled the lpt port and the imac does not have such port, the
> problem is that sometims it hangs the machine when discover or cups
> tries to load the parport_pc module :-(

Mmm, this would be a bug in the discover or cups packages, don't you
think ? Or maybe we could add a check in the partport modules to fail to
load on pmacs, which are known not to have such hardware ? 

The -powerpc kernels support a wide range of hardware, including some
(as mine), that does have parport support.

Please fill a bug report, so this doesn't get lost.

> I had the same problem with my tibook G4 550MHz with other kernels
> compiled by hand.

Yeah, i guess the bug is in discover then, not sure though.


Sven Luther

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