On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 09:27:19PM +1000, Michael Lake wrote:
> Clive Menzies wrote:
> >On my G4 I had trouble with the woody version of yaboot.  Ethan Benson
> >suggested using the latest verion from:
> >http://penguinppc.org/projects/yaboot/doc/yaboot-howto.shtml
> >I know you had it working before and this is not really an answer but it
> >may get you there nonetheless.  Reconfiguring your existing yaboot may
> >also do the trick.
> I'll look at that after I get this system going again. Thanks.
> ummm about reconfiguring yaboot?? How does one do that when you are in a 
> shell from booting from an install CD? I have booted from a CD and have 
> mounted my system with "mount /dev/hda11 /mnt" so I can now see and 
> probably edit /etc/yaboot.conf
> Then I gather you run ybin but what parameters to give to ybin to tell 
> it to install to /dev/hda???
> Normally I would just run ybin from a normally booted system.
> (I dont have a man ybin on the CD booted system)

The best way is to execute in a chroot. First modify 
/target/etc/yaboot.conf if needed. Then

chroot /target /bin/bash
mount -t proc proc /proc
ybin -v

Debian GNU/Linux Operating System
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   toff one at cox dot net

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