Clive Menzies wrote:
On my G4 I had trouble with the woody version of yaboot.  Ethan Benson
suggested using the latest verion from:
I know you had it working before and this is not really an answer but it
may get you there nonetheless.  Reconfiguring your existing yaboot may
also do the trick.

I'll look at that after I get this system going again. Thanks.

ummm about reconfiguring yaboot?? How does one do that when you are in a shell from booting from an install CD? I have booted from a CD and have mounted my system with "mount /dev/hda11 /mnt" so I can now see and probably edit /etc/yaboot.conf Then I gather you run ybin but what parameters to give to ybin to tell it to install to /dev/hda???
Normally I would just run ybin from a normally booted system.
(I dont have a man ybin on the CD booted system)

Hopefully someone will know why this "openpic exit" error is and how to fix it.

Thanks Clive.

Mike Lake
Caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.

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