On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 11:25:43AM +1000, Michael Lake wrote:
> Michael Lake wrote:
> > 4. It was suggested I put on a backup kernel. I could do that as I can
> > mount and write to the device but I have no backup of the benh kernel
> > like what I have on hda11. The only kernel that does work is the
> > install24 one on CD1.
> > I know that I can't just copy that from CD1 to /boot on hda11 as there
> > are map files and modules and gord knows what else for it to boot
> > sucessfully.
> I am trying to place the install24 kernel from CD1 onto my hard drive.
> I have booted from CD1 and gone to a shell then mounted my hard drive as 
> /dev/hda11 and can copy to that but I cant find the install24 in the RAM 
> disk image. I know where install24 is on the CD1 so I tried mounting the 
> CDROM with "mount -t cdrom /dev/hdb0 /mnt" and using hdb1 but there is 
> no such device. How do I mount CD1 so I can copy of install24 an dthe 
> /lib/modules directory for that kernel?
> Mike

You can use one of the installer commands to get the CD mounted, then
switch to console 2 before completing or canceling the command. For
example, select 'Install kernel and modules', sleect CD-ROM. The Cd
will be mounted at /instmnt. Switch to the shell, do your thing, then
switch back to console 1 and cancel the operation.

It really sounds, though, like your firmware is borked. I don't think
that kernel is going to make the difference; I think the difference is
that booting from the CD doesn't involve OpenFirmware the same way
booting from the hard drive does.

You can create an hfs partition if you don't have one already, and try
the steps in the installation manual for manually booting directly
from the hard disk. If that works and direct booting still doesn't, at
least you have a way to get in to your system. Instead of booting the
root.bin ramdisk, you might be able change that yaboot.conf to boot
your kernel on hda11, or still boot the kernel from the hfs partition
but set root=/dev/hda11.

Debian GNU/Linux Operating System
  By the People, For the People
Chris Tillman (a people instance)
   toff one at cox dot net

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