> > >> and ideally also the framebuffer ones?
> > >
> > > Option "UseFBDev" does that.
> >
> >     OK, I thought about that after hitting the send button.  But
> > then again, at the moment the X drivers seem to be more developed than
> > the kernel ones.  I guess eventually the kernel drivers should achieve
> > parity, and then we'd have a radical simplification.
> I don't see Linus accepting video drivers of the X calibre in his
> kernel...

Any idea why that is? Just that he wants the kernel drivers to be small and 
foolproof and leave the fancy acceleration to programs that want it (like X)?

> >     In other words, I guess FBDev at the moment isn't practical,
> > meaning, won't usually give same performand and (or) features?
> People keep confusing Option "UseFBDev" and the fbdev driver. The former
> basically provides the same features as the driver it's used with does
> without, the latter is a generic driver and hence can't provide any
> hardware specific features.

I don't totally follow you here. The fbdev driver is what can be specified in 
the Device section by 'Driver  "fbdev"' but just uses the "bare metal" linux 
fbdev driver, with no 2D or 3D acceleration. Using 'Option  "UseFBDev"' would 
be an option in a Device section which was configured with 'Driver  "ati"' or 
some other driver. But I don't understand the benefit.


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