On Monday 18 August 2003 10:11, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 19:10, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra
> > Em Seg, 2003-08-18 às 18:11, Michel Dänzer escreveu:
> > > The logs don't lie
> >
> >     I hope that's true in X.  I wouldn't hold it as absolute truth, from
> > the experience I have with other systems.
> I meant X server logs specifically. I have been making very good
> experience in this regard (I don't remember a single case where I
> couldn't trust X server log output, but maybe I'm just good at
> suppressing those memories ;).

Actually, in this case, the X server should probably WWarn about the invalid 
Core Keyboard configuration. The invalid ibook variant should have been 
noted, I think. (Though that's not really a lie, is it?)

> > > the keyboard configuration was always identical on
> > > server startup (unless the logs contained a relevant difference you
> > > didn't post), the difference was likely caused by a client.
> >
> >     OK, which clients could be those, and how to investigate the
> > possibilities?
> Frank made good suggestions for this.

As soon as you mentioned that it could be a client, I thought of all the fancy 
new config stuff Gnome and KDE have.


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