le mercredi 06 août vers 10:59 Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra a

>       So I am using now:
> ! Rebind keys to permit Apple logo key to be Meta in Emacs.
> [...]
>       This gives me Alt and Meta as I want them in Emacs, but with
> an additional strange twist: M-TAB gets captured by Emacs without cycling
> windows as altwin:meta_win does; and outside of Emacs, only the first time
> M-TAB gets used it cycles windows, after that it only produces the effect
> of TAB, that is, changing input fields...

  That's funny too... I also remapped my keyboard with xmodmap, but
WindowMaker does catch M-Tab as "cycle windows", even when I use XEmacs.

  My .xmodmap:
 clear mod2
 clear mod3
 keycode 64 = Alt_L
 keycode 115 = Meta_L
 keycode 113 = Mode_switch
 add Mod1 = Meta_L
 add Mod2 = Alt_L
 add Mod3 = Mode_switch

  M-Tab runs completion process in XEmacs, but the signal never reaches it
(I use Esc-Tab instead). It seems to be related to your window manager.
>       Yes, GNU/Linux is still far away from the average user...

  Emacs neither, so you're not an average "sit n'click" user ;-)



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