On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 10:33:10AM -0700, Andrew Sharp wrote:
> The obvious point.  On powerpc, the nvidia is a brick, so speed
> comparisons are moot.  BTW, on x86 under windoze, the Radeon card is
> "slower," but definitely not "quite a bit slower."  The radeon is a

i don't have windows on any x86 hardware i own, so what do i care
about it?  same thing with MacOS and powerpc hardware.  

> Er, stick to the previous point.  My gaming machine has a Geforce 2
> in it and I use the proprietary drivers and it works great.  But you

as great as WinME `works'

> can't upgrade your software all the time.  I probably wouldn't be
> all that happy if I had to use it as my daily workstation, because
> you have to stick to the version of X that the driver works with. 
> Except when running Q3, I pretty much use Windoze on it anyway.  It
> was a free, to me, but legal copy, I swear.  If there are any
> questions, speak to my lawyer.

just subscribe to debian-user for a couple hours to see how badly the
proprietary linux drivers screw you for stability and reliablity...
even the heralded i386 arch. 

Ethan Benson

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