> Ouch!! I just noticed that I could have ordered my Mac with the Radeon
> instead of the GForce 2 card.   The Radeon card is around $200 and
> supposedly is quite a bit slower than the GForce 2 MX though.

For all I know, the Radeon is about as fast as the GeForce2, of which the MX
is a low cost variant.

And as Ethan already pointed out, even if it was slower, it's definitely
faster than software rendering on any chip. ;)

> I didn't do my homework :(   I guess I saw that the GForce 2 worked with
> ia32 Linux and assumed it would work with PPC Linux too since most  other
> programs and some drivers do.

That's what you get from two closed source companies...

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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