Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Mar 01, German Poo Caaman~o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >I had search by 'Marco' on powerpc, but I got instructions
>  >for B50 (YDL).  But the boot disk proposed (mainly with
>  >zImage from 2.2 kernel series) doesn't work in a 44P-170
>  >because it need chrp64.  Furthermore, YDL can't boot it.
> You just need a different kernel. I don't know about this kind of
> system, I hope somebody else reading this list will reply and offer to
> compile a working kernel for you.

I just installed a minimal Suse on 7044-170. The problems with
special keys in Yast were around the dialog box.  It 
depends where the cursor is located how it works.
On edit text, the Control key doesn't work as on check box.
The same happened with F10 (the key to follow the yellow way :-)
so, the source media wasn't taking the settings as well it

The next step will be make a FAT partition to copy yaboot as
the same as Tom answered sometime ago.  And finally
install Debian as you recomended.


German Poo Caaman~o
"La historia no se lee, se escribe"

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