German Poo Caaman~o wrote:
> Christophe Suire wrote:
> > I have install a Debian 2.2rev2 on a B50 using the kernel of YellowDog
> How did you do it?
> The only kernel that boot on my RS/6000 44P 170 comes from SuSE.
> But the install process die when it try to partition the disk.

Hi German, 

For the B50 you should be able to use a CHRP kernel and get that to work.
However I don't know that alot of effort making sure the RS/6000 set of machines
are able to run with a Debian install. Hopefully so 8-).

In the case of 170 German I'd recommend you stick with SuSE. Debian does not
have the fixed glibc and without that you're dead in the water.

The problem that you're running into now is that you need to partition your
disk. It has an AIX disklabel on it, so you need to create a new disklabel on

Start up the SuSE YAST installer, Alt-F2 over (or was it F4 ... one of those 8-)
to the command line when you get up to the partition step and invoke fdisk by
hand onto the volume in question. 

You'll be imformed that the disklabel needs to be created, create it, partition
the disk as you normally would... save and reboot. Now go into the installer and
have at it... should just work. After you're installed I'd recommend going up to
a later 2.4.x kernel from

> I'd like to install it and install Debian after that.

A co-worker and I have thought about pitching to hopefully improve the situation
for doing debian installs on IBM hardware. It's just an idea on the drawing
board at the moment... but we certainly have an interest to pitch in as we can.



Tom Gall - PowerPC Linux Team    "Where's the ka-boom? There was
Linux Technology Center           supposed to be an earth
(w) [EMAIL PROTECTED]         shattering ka-boom!"
(w) 507-253-4558                 -- Marvin Martian

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