> In the case of 170 German I'd recommend you stick with SuSE. Debian 
> does not have the fixed glibc and without that you're dead in 
> the water.

Hi Tom,

I knew that as you said me before.  But, Debian can be installed over
another distribution :-)  I'm hoping so

> The problem that you're running into now is that you need to partition 
> your disk. It has an AIX disklabel on it, so you need to create a new 
> disklabel on it.
> Start up the SuSE YAST installer, Alt-F2 over (or was it F4 ... one 
> of those 8-) to the command line when you get up to the partition 
> step and invoke fdisk by hand onto the volume in question.

I'll try it. But, I'm using a console (linux terminal with C-kermit
in a null-modem).  Alt+F? keys doesn't work (I was looking for a
shell console or a syslog console to know about the error)

But it's a good point.

> You'll be imformed that the disklabel needs to be created, create 
> it, partition the disk as you normally would... save and reboot. 
> Now go into the installer and have at it... should just work. 

Do it need a particular partition like Apple's PowerPC?
(I mean an small partition to store the boot images)

> A co-worker and I have thought about pitching to hopefully improve 
> the situation for doing debian installs on IBM hardware. It's just 
> an idea on the drawing board at the moment... but we certainly 
> have an interest to pitch in as we can.

Thanks you.

German Poo Caaman~o
"La historia no se lee, se escribe"

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