German Poo Caaman~o wrote:
> Christophe Suire wrote:
> > I have install a Debian 2.2rev2 on a B50 using the kernel of YellowDog
> How did you do it?
> The only kernel that boot on my RS/6000 44P 170 comes from SuSE.
> But the install process die when it try to partition the disk.
> I'd like to install it and install Debian after that.
> --
> German Poo Caaman~o
> "La historia no se lee, se escribe"


I have put the YellowDog kernel on the rescue img
Boot the B50 on the floppy (F8 after the E1F1 code and "boot
floppy:,\linux root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1)
Put the ramdisk floppy
The install was working correctly as soon as it wants to copy the base
system .. because it say that the rescue floppy is wrong ..
So with Alt-F2 .. i finish the install manualy
All the partitions are mounted in /target
Just untar the base2_2.tgz in /target
made a chroot on /target
finish the setup manually .. like /etc/fstab ..
umount partitions
reboot the system
and boot with the same disk : boot floppy:,\linux root=/dev/sdaX
I have install Xfree in FrameBuffer, gnome .. etc
But i have problem with yaboot
and now i try to use an aother kernel .. i try 2.4 but it didn't compile
correctly .. and 2.2.18 doesn't want to boot ..

Christophe Suire                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ingénieur Système-Sécurité Linux       <>
RedHat Certificate No: 806199634800967
"Software is like sex, it's better when it's Free !"

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