>>"Santiago" == Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Santiago> I see a little problem here. How and who will decide that an issue is
 Santiago> technical or it is not?

        The people on the policy list do, possibly with help from the
 tech committee? This proposal is about everyday working of the policy
 group; anyhitng that raises deep divisions should probably be made
 into a Genertal resolution and put to the full developer community. 

        We should, really, be only doing mostly mundane things in the
 policy mailing list; and contentous topics should be more open, and
 presented to the full set of developers (after all, the policy group
 is a subset of all the Debian develoers, and there is merit to the
 argument that all the developers be involved in decisions which are
 very significant, or on which the policy group is deeply divided).

 It is not just by fine speech or by flower-like beauty that one is
 admirable, if one is envious, mean and deceitful, but when that sort
 of behaviour has been eliminated, rooted out and destroyed, that
 faultless sage is said to be admirable. 262, 263
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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