Hi!  Thanks for your interest.  And generally for your mentoring work :-)

On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 at 12:11:54 +0000, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
>> I don't mind either way :-)  But why would you swap the addresses?
>> (Yes I read section 3.3 of the policy, it didn't help me
>> understanding.)
> for two reasons, don't make people upset, and because he is a DD :)

Making people upset was certainly not my intention.  And it's precisely
because I don't have upload rights that I didn't put my name in the
Uploaders fields.  Anyway I don't care either way, so if it's less
controversial to swap the addresses I'll do that.

>> GPL vs MIT is not my choice, as debian/initramfs/* was originally
>> contributed by <deb...@x.ray.net> under GPL-2+.  Anyway upstream
>> could as well GPL-license the remote cryptroot unlocking feature, but
>> AFAIK they are not interested in merging it.
> well, I tried to install on an Ubuntu machine:
> sudo dpkg -i ../dropbear_2015.68-1_all.deb  
> ../dropbear-initramfs_2015.68-1_amd64.deb ../dropbear-run_2015.68-1_amd64.deb 
> ../dropbear-bin_2015.68-1_amd64.deb
> dpkg: regarding .../dropbear-initramfs_2015.68-1_amd64.deb containing 
> dropbear-initramfs:
> dropbear-initramfs conflicts with plymouth
> plymouth (version 0.9.0-0ubuntu9) is present and installed.

Yes, remote cryptroot unlocking doesn't work with plymouth because
unlike /lib/cryptsetup/askpass it doesn't create a FIFO on which to dump
the passphrase.  A bug has been opened on laundpad (#733268), but in the
meantime I made dropbear-initramfs conflict with plymouth to avoid bad
surprises ;-)
> Converting existing OpenSSH DSA host key to Dropbear format.
> Key is a ssh-dss key
> Wrote key to '/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key'
> 1024 mykey /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key (DSA)
> […]
> Converting existing OpenSSH RSA host key to Dropbear format.
> Key is a ssh-rsa key
> Wrote key to '/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key'
> […]
> Converting existing OpenSSH ECDSA host key to Dropbear format.
> Key is a ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key
> Wrote key to '/etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key'

Yes this is normal.  dropbear's post-install script has done that for
years for RSA and DSA.  As mentioned in the changelog, I added ECDSA
conversion and ACSII art (via ssh-keygen) to dropbear-run's post-install

> OpenSSH appears to be installed.  Setting /etc/default/dropbear so that
> Dropbear will not start by default.  Edit this file to change this behaviour.

Again this is inherited from dropbear ≤2014.65.  (Both OpenSSH and
dropbear want to listen on port 22.)  It's weird to install two SSH
severs, but I did that myself as I put dropbear to the initramfs and use
OpenSSH otherwise.  (With the split I would not install dropbear-run to
avoid the above messages.)

> also piuparts seems to be not really happy
> http://debomatic-amd64.debian.net/distribution#unstable/dropbear/2015.68-1/piuparts

I don't know about the broken-symlink /etc/dropbear/log/main →
/var/log/dropbear .  It has been there for years and might have to do
with runit, so I just left it there.

Thanks for pointing the untracked file and directory.  I've now added


> and I can't upgrade from a jessie machine
> trying to overwrite /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf-hooks.d/dropbear which is 
> also in package dropbear 2015.68-1

Hmm.  dpkg -c on the the 4 deb files tells me this file is only shipped
by dropbear-initramfs, not dropbear.  Could that be because it was
marked by dropbear 2014.64 and 2014.65 as a configuration file?  I
ceased to do so as it violates the Debian Policy Manual section 10.7.2.


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