
On Fri, 02 Oct 2015 at 15:49:18 +0000, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> no problem, just ping me whenever your package becomes ready again.

So with Guillem Jover's help on #debian-dpkg I managed to solve the
problem of the configuration file in dropbear 2014.65-1's /usr.  (Using
dpkg-maintscript-helper to move it to /etc upon upgrade.)  As a
consequence the source package is now lintian-clean and upgrades
smoothly from Jessie :-)

Moreover, piuparts is now happy \o/  (Ignoring the broken symlink
warnings.)  Interestingly, piuparts complains when given the .changes
file; but giving the .deb by order of dependence makes it happy (I guess
one ought to file a bug against dpkg or piuparts):

  sudo piuparts --schroot=unstable-amd64-sbuild … \
    dropbear_2015.68-1_all.deb \
    dropbear-bin_2015.68-1_amd64.deb \
    dropbear-run_2015.68-1_amd64.deb \

I therefore changed the distribution from experimental back to unstable,
and uploaded a new version:

  dget -x 


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