On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 03:47:09PM +0200, Ondrej Certik wrote:
> > The sources:
> > http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-qa/svnbuildstat/?rev=0&sc=0
> > The wiki page:
> > http://wiki.debian.org/svnbuildstat
> I believe Debian needs the same as Ubuntu has: Personal Package
> Archives, where new maintainers could upload their source packages and


> the service will automatically build and check the package.

Everybody suddenly seems to think that yet another buildd is a great
idea. Why is it? During the sponsoring process having a binary package
is pretty useless. A sponsor will/should always take the source package,
build it again and check both the source and the binary package.

> And if the service says YES, it means the package will builds on
> buildd hosts and is lintian/linda/piuparts clean, all bugs are
> correctly closed, etc. etc.. I, as a user, need this feature, so that
> when I fix something in a package, or create a new one, can simply
> check it a little at my computer and then upload it to Debian PPA and
> it will do the rest of the checks for me. And if it says YES, I'll ask
> my sponsor to upload it.

So far so good. Although you shouldn't rely on an automated tool but
rather use it in addition. I wouldn't sponsor a package just because
lintian doesn't complain.

> At the moment I need to do all of this by hand and it's very time
> consuming.

So is package maintenance.

> And then my sponsor needs to do the same, to be sure I
> didn't make a mistake.

Correct. Because the sponsor will be responsible for the package at that
moment. The only solution I see here is that the package maintainer
becomes a Debian developer or Debian contributor.

> With Debian PPA, my sponsor can easily be sure the technical things
> are ok and concenrate on QA.

Aren't "technical things" == QA?

> There is of course a question who will provide the resources for
> DebPPA.

And for the many architectures we have.

> It contains links to all relevant discussions about this issue. But
> when I found svnbuildstat, I want to work with Goneri. As Gonéri said,
> we are trying to create such building blogs - a server that will
> accept source packages (I only need source packages, Goneri also needs
> input from VCS), and buildbots, that will do the compiling.

Isn't that what buildds are about?


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