On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 07:55:09PM +0200, Ondrej Certik wrote:
> PPA is a means how to get the packages to Debian and to ease the
> process of it, for everyone.

What do you mean by "get the package to Debian"? Sponsorship? Or
creating a competing repository for end-users?

> Besides those you also have a social argument - that you fear it will
> actually decrease the number of new packages in Debian, or that it
> will increase the number of unhappy users. I think it will actually be
> the opposite, but that's just my opinion.

I'm scared by the thought that there will be a dozen PPAs that end-users
will use to get their software from third-party sources. IMHO good
packages should go officially into Debian. And bad packages should go to
hell. Sponsorship might be a problem sometimes which may be solved by
the "Debian Maintainer" status which should allow you to upload packages
into Debian. I would hate to read on mailing lists "the version of
'kaffeine' in Debian is outdated. There is a newer version in PPA X
that you could use. Or you use the version in PPA Y which is even newer
but I hard it's broken". (shiver)

> Basically I think all of those and similar problems can be solved, if
> we want to.

I'm absolutely on your side. Just not for the binary package part which
scares me.


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