On Wed, 03 Feb, 1999, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:
> Thanks for all the help guys.  I am now packaging aspell into aspell.deb,
> aspell-dev.deb and aspell-doc.deb  Should all of them go into the same

libaspell0 for the libraries? aspell-bin for binaries? and libaspell-dev?

> section (text)?  Or should each of them go into seperate sections (aspell =
> text, aspell-dev = devel, aspell-doc = doc)?  Different packages seem to do

libaspell0 = libs?

> different things about this.  enlightenment-doc, for example, is in section
> x11.  postgresql-doc is in section doc while postgresql is in section misc.

i prefer the postresql method

> Also, here is how I see the dependancies between the various pcakages -
> Package               Dependencies
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> aspell                suggests aspell-doc
> aspell-doc    depends aspell
> aspell-dev    suggests aspell-doc and aspell

i disagree

pacakge     dependencies
aspell-bin  suggests aspell-doc, depends libaspell0
aspell-doc  suggests aspell-bin
libaspell0  suggests aspell-bin, aspell-doc
libaspell-dev suggests aspell, depends libaspell0

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