Messages by Thread
Upgrading dssp, cif-tools, density-fitness and others
Andreas Tille
Re: Upgrading dssp, cif-tools, density-fitness and others
Maarten L. Hekkelman
Re: Upgrading dssp, cif-tools, density-fitness and others
Andreas Tille
Re: Upgrading dssp, cif-tools, density-fitness and others
Andreas Tille
Re: Upgrading dssp, cif-tools, density-fitness and others
Maarten L. Hekkelman
Re: Upgrading dssp, cif-tools, density-fitness and others
Andreas Tille
Re: Upgrading dssp, cif-tools, density-fitness and others
Steffen Moeller
Added autopkgtest for rockhopper
Mohd Bilal
variability in TRANSIT test_resampling* sig_qvals
Étienne Mollier
Re: Bug#1014647: ITP: abpoa -- adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
Étienne Mollier
Added autopkgtests for megadepth
Mohd Bilal
Bug#1014695: RM: nanopolish [s390x] -- ROM; nanopolish transitively depends on streamvbyte which does not build on s390x
Nilesh Patra
ITP: abpoa -- adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
Étienne Mollier
Bug#1014344: ITP: gatk-bwamem -- interface to call Heng Li's bwa mem aligner from Java code
Pierre Gruet
Added autopkgtest for biomaj3-cli,gdcm
Mohd Bilal
Pseudo VAC, will not organise / take part in video conference on 2.7.
Andreas Tille
milib moved to gradle build system - help needed
Andreas Tille
We should do an update of all qiime2 modules as soon as possible (Was: Bug#1014100: qiime: autopkgtest needs update for new version of python-decorator)
Andreas Tille
Mathieu Malaterre
Removing myself from uploaders in (most) med-packages / Winding down involvement a little
Nilesh Patra
Naming scheme of fis-gtm binary packages (Was: Bug#1009900: fis-gtm: Multiple CVEs in fis-gtm)
Andreas Tille
Andreas Tille
Added autopkgtests for nifti2dicom
Mohd Bilal
Re: Bug#1012566: spdlog: Please package new version v1.10.0
Added autopkgtest for busco - Closes #1010653
Mohd Bilal
Added autopkgtests for gifticlib
Mohd Bilal
Added autopkgtests for nifticlib
Mohd Bilal
Added autopkgtests for dicomnifti
Mohd Bilal
Re: Accepted ebook-tools 0.2.2-5 (source) into unstable
Aaron M. Ucko
suggesting dnarrange and lamassemble
Frith, Martin
Added autopkgtests for minc-tools
Mohd Bilal
Added autopkgtests for openslide
Mohd Bilal
Added autopkgtests for dcm2niix
Mohd Bilal
Software for healthcare
Gajendra P.S. Raghava
Welcoming Mohammed Bilal as GSoC Student
Nilesh Patra
CWL media type and file extension now in /etc/mime.types
Charles Plessy
bart upload
Uecker, Martin
Pjotr Prins
Neuroimaging plugin for Orthanc
Sébastien Jodogne
Removing opensurgsim from Debian (Was: [simquest/opensurgsim] Build failures with libeigen3-3.4.0 (Issue #5))
Andreas Tille
Interested in Summer Of Code, Xian Wu
I think we can remove pyqi (Was: Bug#1009462: pyqi: FTBFS: Only Python 3.8 and 3.9 are supported.E: pybuild pybuild:369: configure: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: python3.10 config)
Andreas Tille
RFS: added autopkgtest for pplacer
Mohd Bilal
RFS: add autopkgtest for python-bioblend
Mohd Bilal
Freexian-funding for what keeps nagging us?
Steffen Möller
RFS : add autopkgtest for bmtk
Mohd Bilal
Debian Med peer programming
Andreas Tille
Help Required : Add autopkgtest for atropos
Mohd Bilal
RFS: added autopkgtest for intake
Mohd Bilal
pigx-rnaseq now depends on megadepth
Steffen Möller
New kissplice version (2.6.0) and packaging changes
Francois Gindraud
Self Introduction
Re: Packages in non-free can be autobuilt
Graham Inggs
Add autopkgtests for python-datacache, parallel-fastq-dump
Mohd Bilal
Upgrading biojava-live from 1.7 to 1.9
Pierre Gruet