Sorry if you get this Message twice, but my Previously messages does
not appear in the archives and it seems to be lost...

Am 2007-04-11 00:24:19, schrieb Francesco Poli:
> So, IIUC, ready-to-use videos are created by extracting and compressing
> appropriate sequences of the original uncompressed videos.
> The original uncompressed form is kept in case some modifications are
> needed.
> This really seems to mean that the original uncompressed form is
> actually the source form.

This is right.

> The extraction/compression process is automated via Makefiles: this is
> good and really helpful.

Since some Video seauences are overlaping, distributing each singel
Video alone wold increase the size...

> So, you seem to have a problem with big sources.
> The problem lies in the technical difficulties that arise when you want
> to distribute the complete source of the game (that includes the big
> uncompressed videos).


> However, I suppose the problem is not only in *public* distribution.
> How do you handle the problem when you want to perform distribution of
> video source *inside* the project?

The (my) server is in Offenburg/Germany and it has 7.2 TByte availlable.
(30 x SCSI 300 GByte) and sitting only on a E1 (1.92 MBit).

> I mean: I hope those source videos are kept by *more* than one single
> project member!  Otherwise your game project has a really low bus number
> (equal to 1, as far as videos are concerned!).
> How do you copy a big uncompressed video to other project members?

The whole bunch of videos exist in 1/4 size and with 90% compression.

So if someone need a new Video-Sequence they take the compressed one
as template and then the real one will be generated...

This works directly like a "buildd" (you send the config directly to
the buildd) which put the resulting video (produced from) the original
as high compressed one in the $HOME of the user.  He/She can review it
and then send a command to make the Real-Video.

> This is unfortunate, as it poses downstream recipients in a position of
> disadvantage with respect to upstream maintainers.

Should I contact the FSF about this special problem?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
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