Am 2007-03-28 01:18:32, schrieb Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu):
> Lossless and lossy compression format don't mean anything on preferred
> form for modification. Some recorders do record mp3/ogg directly. And
> some audio editors do edit mp3/ogg directly. And many of the authors of
> the audio works don't know the difference between mp3 and wav and flac.
> By ears, there's no difference between mp3 and wav, thus they may create

I do not know, what ears you have but IF I edit a mp3 of 128kBit
directly with the same methods I edit a shn file, I can hear the
difference.  (I know many peoples from LAD/LAU which can hear it)

I think, all peoples with feeling for classic can it.

My prefered ones are wav but distributing aound 2 hours of sound
sources will fill 1 1/2 CD's, maybe one since wav can be "good"

> So, for creative works, the source is hard to be defined by format. Not
> like programs, we can easily know what is machine code and what is high
> level language code in most situations. We can only ask the author of
> the creative works to release their work honestly because in most
> situation we can't distinguish the source and binary if the author is
> lying. If the last format he has is wav, then he should release wav. If
> the last format he has is mp3, then mp3.
> The same thing also happens on images, like xcf/psd or png/jpg/gif or
> whatever. But the author should release the true source he really has.
> To require the author to use some listed formats for image source or
> audio source is impracticable. And if we define ogg/mp3 is not source,
> the games which have ogg/mp3 as data but cannot provide wav (may be
> deleted by the author by nature) will be non-free due to DFSG#2.

OK, but will be Debian be willing, to distribute a 100% GPL 2.0
Game of (I think)currently  78 binaries of 500 MByte in summary
plus over 3 GByte of sources?

Which mean, this game need a CD for its own and a DVD to distribute
the Source...

And currently I create some new weapons but the source of "sunburn"
for example is around 70 MBytes including the sound effects plus a
real Video of 480 MByte as source which will be converted to a OGM
to around 30 MByte.

I have already managed that the DEMO videos of the Weapons are in
seperated Debian-Packages...  so no one must download 800 MByte

Note:  It is a action/strategic game like "Fleet Command"
       with real existing weapons and conflicts...
       I do not know, when it will be ready, since we have
       performance problems and to many bugs and crashes.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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