On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 17:48:52 +0200 Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Am 2007-04-04 22:30:45, schrieb Francesco Poli:
> > I'm not sure I quite understand what you mean: are you referring to
> > the game project you're currently contributing to?  What's that 30
> > Mbyte quantity?  Could you explain a little more clearly?
> The sources of the Videos are all around 300-600 MByte and the
> end products "binary" are only environement 30 MByte ogm files.
> We keep the original Videos in case, we need new scenes or such
> which can create/extracted from the original video sources.

So, IIUC, ready-to-use videos are created by extracting and compressing
appropriate sequences of the original uncompressed videos.
The original uncompressed form is kept in case some modifications are
This really seems to mean that the original uncompressed form is
actually the source form.

> The OGM's are create while building the End-Procuct from the
> make files. Extracting and resizing only sniplets from
> original, which mean, each Source-Video is several times used.

The extraction/compression process is automated via Makefiles: this is
good and really helpful.

> Since I have asked, I have gotten a handfull E-Mails from
> peoples/enterprises having the same problem...

So, you seem to have a problem with big sources.
The problem lies in the technical difficulties that arise when you want
to distribute the complete source of the game (that includes the big
uncompressed videos).
However, I suppose the problem is not only in *public* distribution.
How do you handle the problem when you want to perform distribution of
video source *inside* the project?
I mean: I hope those source videos are kept by *more* than one single
project member!  Otherwise your game project has a really low bus number
(equal to 1, as far as videos are concerned!).
How do you copy a big uncompressed video to other project members?

> For us, hobby or professional (high auality) game programmer the
> sources are in high quality for reusage since resizing does not
> match our needs and compressing brings to high losses.
> It seems, nobody was realy thinking about distributing the sources
> of Action/Stratigiggames which includes Video-Sequences under GPL.

This is unfortunate, as it poses downstream recipients in a position of
disadvantage with respect to upstream maintainers.

 Need to read a Debian etch installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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