Sven Luther writes:

> On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 11:57:39AM -0400, Michael Poole wrote:
> > I see no mention at all of binary distribution.  It only mentions
> > distribution of the patch(es).
> Because 3b apply only when the patch is released under the QPL, and 4 forces
> you to use the QPL if you want to do binary distribution, as debian does. So
> the patcher could release its patch under the BSD, and i could then QPL it and
> incorporate it or something such.

I will quote my paragraph from my original email on this question,
which Brian cut out of his reply:

> You can argue that this forces a particular license on changes, but
> you can't contribute a change to GPL software under a 4-clause BSD
> license, so it is not particularly new.

Michael Poole

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