On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 03:30:13PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> Indeed, so by arguing that way, we could bring this clause to be modified by
> the upstream author, could we not ? 

Yes, you could probably trick them into changing licenses by convincing
them that the license says something that it does not.

The license just doesn't say what you're claiming.

For it to do so, the initial author's incorporation of your code would
have to be made under the entirety of QPL clause 3.  However, that clause
requires that all modifications be made as patches.  You've waived that
for the initial author due to QPL#3b.  All other QPL#3 requirements went
with it, including the "give special permission" requirement.  The *only*
limitation the special permission places is that the software remain
available under the terms of the QPL.

Glenn Maynard

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