On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 08:19:19AM -0400, Joe Moore wrote:
> Sven Luther wrote:
> >
> >But if upstreqm incorporqtes your changes, thus creating a modification of
> >your QPLed work, you have the same right as he has, don't you ?
> To distribute the modified (combined) version of your QPL'd work under a 
> proprietaty license?

And under the QPLed version. It has to be both, acordying to the QPL 3b. and
then, the combined upstream + patches work, coming under the QPL, has to abid
to the same rules.

> In other words, if I submit a patch to the ocaml compiler, and it is 
> accepted, then I can "take the software proprietary" just the same as 
> the original author?

Yep, that is what i am arguing. I have some doubts about it, but it is a
rather discouraging way of arguing for people considering to licence stuff
under the QPL.

> That certainly makes the QPL more attractive to me, as a 
> non-original-author.  But I'm afraid I don't understand why any original 
> author would use it.

Indeed, so by arguing that way, we could bring this clause to be modified by
the upstream author, could we not ? 


Sven Luther

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