> What bothers me with Corel is not them using Debian, but rather they fact that > they gave nothing back to us or the community. Not code, time, or money.
This isn't exactly true. When Corel Linux was released, so was all of the new and modified code including a new install program and package manager that are really only useful for Debiain based systems. Now that some of the pressure to release our first product is off the developers, they can be more participatory in other aspects of Debian development and will at least be able to continue to contribute in these specific areas. Erich Forler Product Development Manager Corel Linux -- The address in the headers is not the poster's real email address. Do not send private mail to the poster using your mailer's "reply" feature. CC's of mail to mailing lists are OK. Problem reports to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". The poster's email address is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".