> Then let's try an experiment-- let's make a nice Corel Linux mirror site,
> and publicize it well (read: on Slashdot), and see if they object. Anyone
> with me?

As long as you respect all included licenses, and don't attempt to use our
trademarks, there's no reason for Corel to object. Redistributing the download
version of Corel Linux is no different than any other distribution and
restriction on the use of Corel trademarks would be similar to what you'd
encounter with any other company including Red Hat.

Erich Forler
Product Development Manager
Corel Linux

> On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, William T Wilson wrote:
> > On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Caspian wrote:
> >
> > > However, I am under the -distinct- impression that Corel would consider
> > > anyone obtaining their distribution without agreeing to their EULA
> > > 'illegal'/'immoral', or in other words "against their rules".
> >
> > So sad.  Corel has no choice in the matter.  They are stuck with it
> > because of the GPL, which does not give them the ability to object.
> >
> --
>  = Jon "Caspian" Blank,  right-brained computer programmer at large =
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> | E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                Web: http://caspian.twu.net |
> |     Send a short message to my cell phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
> `--------------------------------------------------------------------'
> --
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