Then let's try an experiment-- let's make a nice Corel Linux mirror site,
and publicize it well (read: on Slashdot), and see if they object. Anyone
with me?

On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, William T Wilson wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Caspian wrote:
> > However, I am under the -distinct- impression that Corel would consider
> > anyone obtaining their distribution without agreeing to their EULA
> > 'illegal'/'immoral', or in other words "against their rules".
> So sad.  Corel has no choice in the matter.  They are stuck with it
> because of the GPL, which does not give them the ability to object.

 = Jon "Caspian" Blank,  right-brained computer programmer at large =
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