The problem is that there are different "Mobility" chipsets. Some are
supported by the r128 dri driver, others only work with mach64. IMHO,
the rage mobility-P is only supported by the mach64 driver. Check your
documentation for the true name (with '-P', '-LM', whatever...) 

How do you know if your card is supported by r128? Try it! If X doesn't
start, check the logs, and you will probably see some error about no
device or screen is accessable.

Note: some cards are called rage 128 mobility cards. other cards are
supported but don't have 128 written all over it. experiment!


Ps. i envy you, want to trade cards? ;)

On Thu, 2001-10-18 at 13:24, Michael Robinson wrote:
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> On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 08:58:40PM +0200, Michael Thaler wrote:
> > I have a Sony Vaio with Ati Rage Mobility. I set up X and it works
> > just fine. But yesterday someone mentioned hardware acceleration for
> > the ati driver. How can I get dri working for the ati driver? I
> > installed tuxracer on my notebook and it was just horrible slow, I
> > guess one frame per second or something. Is there a HOWTO or something
> > to get dri working for the ATI Rage Mobility?
> I tried to do the same thing on my Dell i5000e by using the r128 driver 
> (which theoretically supports dri).  Problem was that the r128 driver would
> periodically crash and lock up the system.  I went back to the ati driver, and
> everything is fine, but no dri.
> Can't have everything (yet), I guess.
>       -Michael Robinson
> -- 
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