Tuesday, October 16, 2001, 5:22:35 PM, Alex wrote:

AdL> Use the ATI Mach64 driver. Now, your X is in ugly 320x200x8 (yuckie ;)
AdL> or something worse. Edit XF86Config-4 or run your favorite configurator
AdL> and use the "ati" driver. Make sure you select a few nice modes, but
AdL> first try to get X up and running under ati.
I am running the ATI Mach64 driver, but it still messes up my desktop.
Why do I still have the buttons/icons from my old (the one that came
with Potato, before I switched to Gnome), there are one in top left
corner and tree in top right corner. Those buttons are black and ugly
(pixel dots), and I still have the same problem with the right-click
popup menu.

It's like I'm running two desktop's at the same time!?

AdL> And 3Dhw support is on the way in DRI for the mach64, a pain to set up.
AdL> ohwell, lets not go too fast yet :)
Ok lets take that later :)

AdL> On Tue, 2001-10-16 at 15:24, Søren Neigaard wrote:
>> In the old X86Free 3.x the XF86Setup had the "ATI Rage Mobility-P
>> AGP2X" as a option I could choose, but I just upgraded to X86Free 4,
>> and I cant find my card there (I use the xf86cfg tool). How do I then
>> set my card up?
>> I have X running, but my screen is all black, and filled with pixel
>> dots scattered all over. But if I wait long enough I get a green (ok)
>> desktop, but it seems like the old original buttons (one in left top
>> and two in right top) stays there, and they are broken (black and
>> pixel dots), and if I right-click on desktop the popup menu is broken
>> the same way (cant read the text in menu either)!?
>> Any ideas guys, du I run to X at the same time, or...?

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,
 Søren Neigaard mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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