* Denis Barbier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 11:11:36PM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> > > This is silly, we have different typographic rules, and thus layout may
> > > change.  Why is it a problem?
> > 
> > The only change that was done from the previous version of the description
> > was s/PHP3/PHP. I find difficult to believe that french grammar and
> > typographic rules have changed so much in the last 4 months, when the
> > previous release was done and the translation was alligned to the actual
> > format, but everything is possible in this world.
> Yeah, in this world reviewers sometimes improve wording and send suggestions
> to translators, who in turn modify their translations accordingly.  I know
> it sounds incredible, but it happens.
Wording, as you so sarcastically put it, is not the same as layout.

> > If you want a different description please file a wishlist bug and we will
> > evaluate it.
> I am not qualified to improve English description, you may ask on
> debian-l10n-english if you want.
So, you're not qualified to improve the description, but you think that
yours is better anyway? How does that work?
> > In the meantime it would be nice that you (or who did that change)
> > will reallign the description with all the others.
> Sorry, I do not know what changes you are talking about (I never read this
> description before), but current translation sounds quite good to me.
We don't have a problem with the *translation* in purely technical english
-> french terms.  We have a problem with the french translater arbitrarily
and with no discussion changing the format and nature of the description. 
We put a fair amount of thought, discussion and care into writing
the discription, and at the end of that process we basically discarded a
layout fairly similar to the one that the french translater has adopted
because we did not think that it was suitable.

> > It is a maintainer responsability to keep the description updated in all
> > its part (format included).
> Could you be more explicit?  I see nothing wrong with the format used here.
It is not the format that we chose. As such, and if you're intransingence
continues, we're only left with one option, to veto the translation. Which I
don't think anyone wants, since it would put to waste a lot of time and
energy which we are grateful for.

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