hi all,

On Thu, 8 May 2003, Michael Bramer wrote:

> On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 03:31:23PM +0200, Fabio M. Di Nitto wrote:
> >     we, as apache maintainers, have a small "objection" regarding the
> > way in which the french guy translated our description. He did change the
> > format of the description in something that is not the way it is supposed
> > to be. We would really much like to see it changed properly.
> ok, the ddtp db has this english/french apache description:


> | Description-fr: Serveur HTTP polyvalent haute performance
> |  Serveur le plus populaire du monde, Apache est caractérisé par sa 
> conception
> |  modulaire et autorise la sélection dynamique des modules d'extension lors 
> de
> |  l'exécution.
> |  Quelques uns de ses points forts sont l'étendue des personnalisations
> |  possibles, l'ajustement dynamique du nombre de processus du serveur, un
> |  éventail complet de modules disponibles, incluant:
> |    - plusieurs mécanismes d'authentification;
> |    - des analyseurs de serveurs de HTML;
> |    - des inclusions côté serveur;
> |    - un contrôle d'accès;
> |    - une émulation de métafichiers httpd CERN;
> |    - un cache proxy, etc.
> |  Apache supporte aussi les sites internes virtuels multiples.
> |  .
> |  Des paquets Debian séparés sont disponibles pour le PHP, mod_perl, le
> |  support Servlet Java, Apache-SSL et d'autres extensions habituelles. Plus
> |  d'informations sont disponibles sur http://www.apache.org/.
> first my personal opinion: I like the french format
> If you insist on your format, you should talk with the french translator
> or better with the french translation group
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and find a solution.

Be carefull. We don't want to make a big deal out of it and neither we are
telling the french translation team that is bad what they did. We
appreciate seriously the effort that the ddtp team is doing. What we are
saying is that if they prefer another format they can just contanct us. We
are open to suggestions. We just didn't really like the way it was done
and that the format is not coherent with the original one.

> > But more generally talking, since i believe that soon the ddtp system will
> > be accepted and distributed to a more global level, is there any way in
> > which maintainers can interact with the system to avoid this kind of
> > issues (except from translating ourself)? Can we somehow "approve" the
> > translation not in term of contents (not always atleast) but in terms of
> > layout?
> we can add something like this. Now we have only the veto system in the
> ddts.

Thanks that would be extremely nice from you.


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