On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 06:10:51PM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> > If you insist on your format, you should talk with the french translator
> > or better with the french translation group
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and find a solution.
> Be carefull. We don't want to make a big deal out of it and neither we are
> telling the french translation team that is bad what they did. We
> appreciate seriously the effort that the ddtp team is doing. What we are
> saying is that if they prefer another format they can just contanct us. We
> are open to suggestions. We just didn't really like the way it was done
> and that the format is not coherent with the original one.

This is silly, we have different typographic rules, and thus layout may
change.  Why is it a problem?


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