
Christoph Hellwig writes:

> I've tested them (although that was a different set of snooping patches,
> there's lots of those around), and then talked to the orinioco driver
> maintainer on irc why they aren't in.  He explained in more detail
> than I could unserstand why he thinks the patches are not okay and he
> doesn't like to see them merged.

I've used the airport patch in kernel-patch-powerpc for a long time,
and also posted it on debian-powerpc a while ago and got only positive
feedback.  When we started work on the 2.6 kernel-image packages, it
happened to be the only patch against the vanilla source that I was
still using, so I included it mainly as a placeholder and it stuck.
I'm not particularly attached to this patch and if someone gives me a
good reason to stop including it, it will disappear from the next

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

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