* Jens Schmalzing ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040525 20:40]:
> Andreas Barth writes:

> > And the security team has already requested to reduce the number of
> > source packages drastically.  So, I'm on the side of the security
> > team, i.e. to go to as less source packages as possible.
> I'm all for it.  Let's put everything into one big source package,
> then whenever we change anything it's a simple matter of running
>  apt-get --build source debian
> But seriously.  Didn't the security team ask to reduce the number of
> kernel-source binary packages, rather than source packages?

As I understood the security team: They want to reduce the number of
packages that provide kernel source, because they create more work,
see http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2004/04/msg06282.html .
But - I'm not the authoritative interpreter of the security team.

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